Sharing the Same Bed (5)

Song Qingchun placed the water glass on the bedside table and moved to help Su Zhinian lie back down, as she had lifted him up earlier into a seated position before giving him the water. When she bent over help him with the mattress, he reached out to grab her wrist. Song Qingchun froze, and the next second, she was pulled to join him in bed, caught in his tight embrace.

His unique scent covered her instantly and aroused the fear deep within her heart. It reminded of the thing he had done to her, and subconsciously, she tried to struggle from his grasp.

She escaped easily because he was weak from his illness. When she almost got up from his bed, she heard him beg in a weakened voice, "Can you please give me a hug?"

His voice sounded scratchy due to the fever, but his tone was surprisingly gentle; there was earnest pleading in it. This made Song Qingchun instinctually turn to look at this face. Then her whole body froze like some force had locked her in place.