From a Moment to an Eternity (3)

"Was that entry because of her?"

After Song Qingchun finished the sentence that she thought was poetic, she noticed a trace of stupor on Su Zhinian's face, like he was not mentally present. After a long time, he replied with a soft "hmm", adding, "Yes, it was written for her."

Due to his reticent nature, Song Qingchun thought that he had finished speaking, but he added after a short pause, "That is my lifelong dream."

He blinked into focus, and his expression turned serious. Like making his vows, he uttered seriously, "A dream that I have not given up to this day."

In Song Qingchun's mind, Su Zhinian was an emotionless machine; she had known him for so many years, but she had never seen him express any kind of emotion. At times, she was convinced that he was a human robbed of emotions like those monk or nun characters in wuxia novels, those who did not walk among humans and did not understand the meaning of love or emotion.