One Danger After Another (7)

Song Qingchun smiled, looking at the young man's cute reaction. She smiled and thanked him once more, which only seemed to make the man blush even harder; his face was so red that Song Qingchun was worried blood was going to start pouring out of his nostrils.

Song Qingchun changed the subject. "What's your name?"

The man raised his finger to fiddle with the glasses sitting on his nose before answering, "Gao Ming."

After a pause, he asked, "What about you?"

"Song Qingchun."

"That sounds so familiar like I've heard it somewhere before… Wait, I remember now, you're that reporter from TW Station, aren't you?"

Song Qingchun found out the young man was a second-year university student and a Hubei native.

It was Song Qingchun who reached her destination station first. She wanted to treat the young man to a meal as sign of appreciation, but he rejected her offer because he was on the way to a date with his girlfriend.