One Danger After Another (9)

It's fine if things at the house are stolen, but… if the thief stumbles into Song Qingchun and harms her in the heat of the moment or just to cover up his tracks…

When he reached this part of his thought, Song Qingchun's confusion-filled voice came from the phone. "Su Zhinian, why would you ask that so suddenly?"

"Qingchun." The moment Song Qingchun finished her sentence, Su Zhinian called her name.

"Hmm?" Song Qingchun replied instinctually, then she suddenly realized ever since the night that they had the deep talk, he had started calling her Qingchun instead of the earlier Miss Song or Song Qingchun.

"I'm in the mood for green bean soup; go to the supermarket to help me buy some green beans." Su Zhinian believed the best solution was to get Song Qingchun out of the house before she had a chance to run into the burglar.

After giving the order, Su Zhinian dashed toward his office.