A Fool for Life (9)

"Su Zhinian, I have a favor to ask…"

When Song Qingchun exited the door, she could see Su Zhinian's car parked not far away.

She walked over to it and knocked on his window. However, the window remained shut.

Su Zhinian's car windows were so tinted that Song Qingchun had to practically stick her face onto the glass before she could see Su Zhinian sitting in the driver's seat, enraptured by something on his phone with his head lowered.

However, she was unable to make out the content that had captured his attention. His usually placid face was suffused with a warm glow like he was remembering something new and happy from his past.

Song Qingchun knocked on the window again, and when she saw Su Zhinian still gave zero response, she pulled on the car door. The door was locked, so Song Qingchun had no choice but to give Su Zhinian a call.