Stay Like This Forever (7)

Cheng Qingchong leaned out of the door with confusion and saw a man standing still in a corner, staring at a spot right before him.

She didn't want to get herself entangled in another person's business, so she rushed toward the sink in a hurry.

Cheng Qingchong could still hear the harrowing laughs through the sound of rushing water. In fact, the laughs had gotten louder and louder, making her heart shake. She turned off the tap and dried her hands rapidly before rushing toward the stairs, attempting to make a quick escape.

As she reached the staircase, the man suddenly stopped laughing and opened his mouth to say in a self-deprecating tone, "Idiot! Indeed, I am the biggest idiot in the world…"

As if trying to prove a point, the man raised his finger to point at himself. As his finger poked his chest, tears fell naturally out of the corner of his eyes.