A Bad Feeling (6)

Song Qingchun listened to the dial tone from her phone, pulled it right up to her face, and double-checked it before confirming it was indeed a call from Su Zhinian.

"Did he call just to hang up on me? Rude," Song Qingchun grumbled with a pout before tossing her phone away. She stretched lazily and shook her head twice to toss the residual drowsiness out of her mind, which hadn't had a good night sleep for two days.

Even though all he had said was "prepare oatmeal porridge tonight," Song Qingchun's dampened mood greatly improved. She even started to hum as she opened her computer to deal with the work that had piled up during her absence.

In the middle of her work, Song Qingchun stood up and went to the breakroom for a cup of coffee. She returned with the coffee in her hands and a bright smile on her smile. As she sipped her coffee, she picked up her phone and stared smilingly at her phone record, which had Su Zhinian's name at the top.