Thank You for Letting Me Love You (1)

"What brand? What color? Can you remember?"

"A Buick perhaps…" The attendant added with more confidence, "I believe it was a Buick, and the car was yellow."

Qin Yinan pressed on the gas pedal as he asked, "Which way did it turn?"

When the answer, "right" drifted into his ears, he had already turned the steering wheel and was headed that way.

Song Qingchun set her alarm at 7 am, but due to a lack of sleep from the night before, she didn't wake up even though the alarm was ringing the house down.

She even dreamed about Su Zhinian French-kissing a woman. Initially, she held the attitude of a bystander; she appreciated the scene like she would appreciate a particularly tasteful moving picture. However, as the kiss reached its climax, the woman, who was originally facing away from her, suddenly turned her head slowly around.