Another Meeting (3)

Song Qingchun controlled the steering wheel with one hand and leaned over to grab the phone with another. She looked at the Caller ID and hesitated for a moment before putting the phone to her ear. "Dad."

"Qingchun," Song Menghwa was probably in the middle of a chess game because Song Qingchun could hear the sound of a piece knocking against wood in the background, "are you free tonight?"

Song Qingchun answered, without second thought, "I need to stay at the company."

"What? Hello? What did you say? I can't hear you…" Song Menghwa suddenly raised his volume to interrupt her. After several hellos he continued. "Qingchun, I think the connection at your uncle Sun's place is not that good, can you even hear me? I've missed you; you haven't had dinner with me for such a long time already, so you have to come to Jin Yuan tonight to accompany me, okay? Goodbye, I'll see you there…"