Pulled Together by Fate (1)

Cheng Qingchong's schedule was so full that day that when she noticed Song Qingchun's message, it was already three hours later.

At the time, she just so happened to have two emergency proposals that needed Su Zhinian's signature, so before she went into his office, she took the elevator to the lobby to grab the package that Song Qingchun had left for her pass to Su Zhinian.

Like usual, Cheng Qingchong knocked on the door thrice and waited until she heard Su Zhinian's clear voice before she pushed the door open and walked in.

Su Zhinian was busy on his computer, and Cheng Qingchong tried to make herself as quiet as possible. She stood quietly in front of his desk, hugging the documents, and only spoke when his fingers stopped typing. "CEO Su, these require your signature."