Pulled Together by Fate (3)

The room was clean, probably because the maid still cleaned it every day.

When he had stayed at the Song family's home, whenever Song Menghwa returned from his business trip, he would bring back clothes for Song Cheng and Song Qingchun. He wouldn't forget Su Zhinian's share as well.

When Su Zhinian had left the Song family, he had only taken his own clothes with him. The clothes that Song Menghwa had bought for him were still arranged neatly inside the closet.

However, those were for a high school Su Zhinian. He couldn't fit into most of them now. Song Menghwa searched through the closet for a long time before coming up with a shirt that was slightly bigger in size.

After a warm bath, Su Zhinian felt better. He had just dried his hair and was going downstairs when Song Menghwa came upstairs to call him for dinner.

Song Qingchun was not home, and the large dining table that could fit ten people only sat three: himself, Song Menghwa, and Fang Rou.