Her Approach (3)

She gripped the glass in her hand tightly and stood there without a word.

Perhaps he had imagined it, but he thought he saw utter disappointment on the girl's face, like she was being forced to give up her most beloved stuff animal in the world.

He had spent his whole life trying to love her, and it had never been his intention to make her sad. When he saw her in that state, he subconsciously wanted to reach out to console her or at least take away the glass of water and medicine from her grasp.

However, he merely raised his hands an inch when the girl suddenly raised her head; there was a natural smile on her fair face. She uttered in a light and brief tone, "Goodbye."

Su Zhinian's half-raised hands hung awkwardly in midair. He nodded slightly at her, and then she turned to the bedside table to place the glass of water and medicine on it. After that, she grabbed the bag that was left on the chair beside it and turned toward the bedroom door.