Her Approach (5)

Song Qingchun's mind was completely blank. She stared at Su Zhinian dumbly and unblinkingly like she was stunned into a mental shut down.

When Su Zhinian's gaze fell on her, his expression remained the same. He continued walking leisurely down the steps until he reached one meter in front of Song Qingchun and stopped.

He was much taller than she was, so he was looking down at her.

As if stirring from her daze, Song Qingchun slowly raised her eyes to look at him.

The afternoon sun filtered into the room through the living room's floor-length window. It fell right onto his face, lighting up his features with a golden hue.

Song Qingchun's heart skipped a beat, and after a half-second hesitation, she quickly lowered her head.

He stood immobile before her. Even though she didn't look at him, she knew that his eyes were boring into her as if quietly questioning her, Why are you still here?