So This Is Love (7)

Cheng Qingchong swallowed the rest of her words. She stared at Su Zhinian, wanting to advise him, but she didn't dare do that, so she just stood there, completely immobile.

Su Zhinian rubbed his hand to use the friction to warm up the oil. Before he massaged Song Qingchun's ankle, he noticed Cheng Qingchong was still there. He raised his eyes slowly to glance at her.

His eyes stayed on her for only a moment before he averted his gaze, but Cheng Qingchong could see the heavy warning in that one moment. It sent chills down her spine. Her flight instinct kicked in, and she walked hurriedly toward the exit.

When she was closing the door, Cheng Qingchong heard Su Zhinian whisper in a gentle voice, "This might hurt a little bit, so be prepared. Don't worry, you'll feel much better later."