So This Is Love (16)

She loved him—that was the plain truth. Without realizing herself, the seed of love had entered her heart, grown, taken root, blossomed, and was finally bearing fruit.

The root of that love had grown so deep that if Song Qingchun were to uproot it, it would tear her heart apart.

When Song Qingchun returned to her car, it was already 3 am. Beijing at that time in the morning was like a twilight zone; it had the bright lights and luster of a big city but the silence of a ghost town.

When Song Qingchun left her car, she had not taken her phone with her. Before she started the engine, she glanced at her phone. On top of the thirteen messages Su Zhinian had sent her after she snuck out of Eldorado, there were two new messages.

"Are you still busy?"


Song Qingchun did not think about it and fired a reply in return. "Just got off work, going home."