The Confession (7)

Very soon, a waitress came over with two menus. Song Qingchun passed one of them to Su Zhinian before flipping through the remaining menu.

This was supper for two, so Song Qingchun only ordered four family-style dishes. Then she raised her head to ask Su Zhinian, "What do you want?"

When he heard Song Qingchun's question, he turned to the waitress and said, "One mocha."

"Yes, sir." The waitress wrote his order down before turning to Song Qingchun. "Miss, what would you like?"

Song Qingchun flipped to the drinks page and eventually settled on a warm milk tea. Then she waved for the waitress to lean in. She showed the waitress something on her phone, and the waitress nodded with a smile before collecting the menus and leaving.

Very soon, the same waitress returned with a small cart. There was a circular plate on it covered with a thermal cover.