He Is Not a Possibility for You (8)

When they were in high school, it was due to Song Qingchun that she had been slapped in the face by Su Zhinian, who she adored.

It was because of that she decided to steal Song Qingchun's crush from right under her nose. Through the years, she had made use of Qin Yinan to beat Song Qingchun, to make her feel better about herself… but now, even Qin Yinan, who she thought she already had wrapped around her finger, had started to drift away from her and started to circle around Song Qingchun!

Tang Nuan's knuckles that gripped the steering wheel were white. Staring at the light in Qin Yinan's room, her eyes flashed with animosity and venom.

The vehemence of Su Zhinian's rejection deterred Song Qingchun from looking for him. That night, he told her to stop appearing in his sight and that was what she did.

After she loosened her grip on his sleeve that night and he left without turning back, he had not seen her again.