Love and War (5)

"Call all the Eldorado's shareholders and tell them to gather," Su Zhinian said.

Cheng Qingchong was startled. She glanced at the time; it was already 10:30 pm. She asked hesitantly, "Now?"

"Yes, now. I'm calling a shareholder's meeting now." After a pause, Su Zhinian continued. "Also, call Lawyer Zhang, have him come over here as well. Tell him to prepare a stock transference form and stock purchase form."

"Yes, CEO Su."

After hanging up on Cheng Qingchong, Su Zhinian stood before the window and did not move. The crying in the bathroom gradually quietened down until there was no more. His tense heart also gradually relaxed.

Time ticked by slowly. Su Zhinian raised his arm to look at the time. Song Qingchun has been in there for an hour already, she's still not ready yet?

After a moment of contemplation, Su Zhinian turned around to walk toward the bathroom door. He knocked on the door and called out, "Qingchun?"