Love and War (8)

Su Zhinian placed his phone on the sink counter beside him then lowered his head to say to Song Qingchun, "Come out after you finish your shower, okay?"

The long embrace earlier had quietened down Song Qingchun's rocking heart. When she heard him say that, she nodded slightly.

Earlier, he offered to help her to take a bath because of her state of distress and the worry that she might catch a cold for staying too long immersed in the water. Now that she was doing much better, Su Zhinian tousled her wet hair and said in his gentle voice, "I'll go wait for you outside?"

To take a bath, she had to get out of her clothes, but the clothes were barely hanging onto the girl's body then; she was practically half-naked. Song Qingchun, who just realized this, lowered her head with shame and bit her lips, but she did not say a word.