Our Paths Didn't Cross (4)

"So…" As Su Zhinian said so, he bent down slightly to grip her chin and turn her head toward the mirror in the room. Through the reflection, Song Qingchun saw her naked body exposed to the world while Su Zhinian, who was standing before her, was perfectly dressed.

The scene looked like a slut trying to seduce a gentleman who was not interested. The contrast was more powerful than the words that he had said; it was like a slap that had landed squarely on her face.

He is indeed interested in my body but just as a piece of meat. If he really cared about me, would he shame me in such a manner?

"Now, do you understand? When I'm sober, I will not lay a finger on you. You have to remember that every time something has happened between us, it was because I was drunk out of my mind, right?"

Following his words, her tears fell down one after another, landing on his fingertips.