Overheard Conversation (8)

Auntie Su's anxiousness only amplified the fear in Song Qingchun's heart. However, she understood that if she showed any traces of it, they would both collapse, so she tried her best to find some words to console Auntie Su while, at the same time, comforting herself.

"Auntie Su, don't worry, perhaps the surgery started a little late."

"Auntie Su, they're probably just wrapping up the surgery; Su Zhinian will be out soon."

When it was 10:25 pm, even Song Qingchun's palms were covered with sweat. To calm her beating heart, she stood up and started to pace up and down the corridor.

"Auntie Su…"

"Auntie Su…"

Song Qingchun's consolation and Auntie Su's questions reverberated through the quiet corridor.

At 10:35 pm, Song Qingchun's voice started to quiver.

At 10:45 pm, Song Qingchun was too weak to continue to pace. Instead, she leaned against the wall opposite Auntie Su.