Overheard Conversation (20+21)

Certain beauty like fireworks only lasted for a moment. As pretty as they were, one should never expect them to last. However, even with the knowledge of its transient nature, it did not mean that one would not be sad when it finally passed.

Even though she did not say anything, he understood everything because he had heard the full conversation between her and his mother. The dream-like bliss that had lasted for the past few days was finally going to end. However, other than a hug, he could not give her anything else.

They stayed in that hug for a long time until their arms were sore. However, neither of them showed any desire to leave the other's arms. If anything, the hug only got tighter, like they wished to melt into the other's body.

If possible, they wished for time to stop, and they would die in each other's arms. Alas, that was merely a dream.