Qingchun, I Love You (3)

He was caught off-guard by her reaction. He was unbalanced, and his back knocked into the bannister. It caused his injury that was still healing to twitch with pain. The next second, Song Qingchun jumped up from the floor like she had been shot with adrenaline, dashed past him, and down the stairs without even taking a look at him.

Su Zhinian wanted to chase after her, but the pain had incapacitated his body. He could only lie there as he listened to her quick retreating steps, and the door slammed. She left in such a hurry, without hesitation.

She must have felt incredibly dirty, sinful, and unacceptable when she realized that she loved him after hearing that she was his biological sister.

A heavily sense of listlessness seeped from every cell within his body. He leaned against the wall in a gesture of defeat, staring up at the ceiling above him.

Everything that he had tried so hard to conceal for so many years still fell apart.