Yes (10)

Song Qingchun held the phone in her hand, and her eyes widened slightly. The smile on her face lessened until it froze. Su Zhinian, on the other end of the line, paused for half a minute before he said lazily, "…I'm serious, Ting Ting, as long as you wish for it, I will do it. Whatever you want."

For his last sentence, the usually detached man had a rare haughtiness in his tone. Song Qingchun could feel her heart race. Actually, she just did not want him to worry, and that was why she found some minor inconvenience to complain about. She did not expect his response would be like that.

Song Qingchun could not stop the edge of her lips from curving upwards. She held the phone in her hand and was silent for quite some time before she asked, "Whatever I want?"

"Yes." Su Zhinian sounded as serious as if he was making a vow. "Whatever you want."