She's Really Pregnant (8)

Is that a sign of miscarriage?

Song Qingchun's hands went unconsciously to her own lower abdomen. She knew about her own pregnancy in a way because of Tang Nuan. Even though she only found out that she was pregnant that morning, she could understood how a mother cherished her own baby. Yes, she might hate Tang Nuan, but her baby was innocent.

She were no saints, but she wasn't callous enough to stand there and watch as an innocent life disappeared before her eyes.

The taxi was already waiting for her; she could very well open the door and get in. However, as she stood there and witnessed the travesty that was happening, her legs seemed to have become leaden, and she found herself unable to move. At the end of the day, she just didn't have that cold-blooded streak in her.

Song Qingchun's fist trembled for a long time before she turned around with determination and yelled at Tang Nuan's assaulter, "Stop!"