You're More Important than the Child (6)

As if expecting her to arrive earlier than promised, he didn't show any trace of surprise at her arrival. When she changed into the slippers, he opened his lips to ask, "Have you had breakfast yet?"

Song Qingchun shook her head.

"There's a new shop opening across from the housing area. They serve quite delicious breakfast, want to go?"

Song Qingchun thought about it and said, "Okay."

Su Zhinian changed his shoes, grabbed the car key, opened the door, and went out with Song Qingchun. Like a true gentleman, he opened and held the car door for her. After she was seated, like usual, he bent into the car to help her with the seatbelt.

The shop was right across from Shining Light Residences, so they arrived in less than five minutes. Su Zhinian made all the orders. He asked for two bowls of porridge, four steamed buns, and a plate of crispy pickled radish.