Her Hesitance (10)

After Song Qingchun Station TW, she headed straight for Su Zhinian's bungalow. His place was empty. The arrangement of the shoes at the front door looked identical to how she left them when she went out that morning. With one glance, Song Qingchun knew that Su Zhinian hadn't returned to his home.

Like Tang Nuan told her, she did find a scheduling report from the hospital about a vasectomy in Su Zhinian's bedroom. It was placed under his diary. Song Qingchun grabbed the diary to flip through it and realized that there was a new entry she hadn't read before.

It was written three days ago.

"Little Sesame, I'm sorry.

"I love you, but I love your mother more.

"After you go to heaven, you can hate me all you want, but please remember, your mother really did love you."