Tingting, I Have Superpowers (19)

"The truck didn't even touch your car. He rammed into the rails. The truck driver was hurt, but why did you suffer the same injury as him?

"Not only that, when Brother Yinan was injured by the falling vase, you also suffered from the same wound… Even though I'm a little bit fuzzy about the details since it was so long ago, I'm certain your wound was similar to Brother Yinan's…

"So, Su Zhinian…" Song Qingchun paused to hold her breath. She looked at Su Zhinian seriously and asked carefully, putting emphasis into every syllable, "How did you hear me from so far away?

"How did you appear and disappear so silently without me noticing whenever I was at my saddest?

"Why do you suffer the same injuries as other people?"