Song Qingchun's Su Zhinian and Su Zhinian's Song Qingchun (23)

Qin Yinan, who heard the question, turned to look at her and smiled kindly. "Bringing you to somewhere special."

"Where is it?"

Qin Yinan turned back to look straight and didn't speak. Cheng Qingchong bit the corner of her lips. She was curious, but she didn't press.

Qin Yinan finally stopped the car at a hill that Cheng Qingchong couldn't name. Qin Yinan lowered the Cheng Qingchong's seat until it was flat before turning to tell her mysteriously, "Close your eyes."

Cheng Qingchong stared at him wide-eyed for two seconds before asking, "Why? Why are you being so mysterious?"

Qin Yinan didn't answer her but urged gently, "Close your eyes first."

Cheng Qingchong relented. Then, she heard the top of the car being pulled back, and the night breeze touched her skin. She shivered involuntarily from the cold, and Qin Yinan's voice drifted into her ears. "Okay, you can open your eyes now."