I'll Sleep on the Sofa (3)

Cheng Qingchong's lips curved into a smile, and just as she replied with an "okay", her phone rang. She stopped talking and pulled the zipper of her bag open to retrieve her phone from it. When she saw the caller ID, Cheng Qingchong was stunned for a moment. When she saw her mother looking her way curiously, she immediately answered the call. "Hello?"

"Fetched your mother already?" Qin Yinan's cold voice asked.

Cheng Qingchong was still shocked from Qin Yinan's sudden call, so she collected herself before answering rather mechanically, "Yes."

"Where are you now?"

Qin Yinan's tone was still icy, but this was their first normal conservation since their marriage, so Cheng Qingchong found herself rather unused to it all. She looked around for a sign before replying, "B4 exit."