Can You Forgive Me? (4)

Even though they had already had sex many times, this was only the third time he had ever kissed her.

The first time was when he was drunk and mistook her for Song Qingchun.

The second time was on the nameless hill, when he brought her to see the stars and to trick her to fall into his trap.

This was the third time…

The previous two times, he didn't really mean it, but this time…

Cheng Qingchong could feel the temperature in the room rising. She was so nervous that she found it getting hard to breath. It was not until she was almost out of breath that he finally stopped. His mouth was stuck to her lips, and when she opened her mouth to gasp for air, it caused the man to chuckle to himself. Then he slowly started to bite on her lips. It was intimate and gentle as he patiently used his tongue to play and lure her tongue out.