I've Been Thinking About You Again (1)

"…Afraid that you'll mock me for imagining the impossible when I ask you of that…"

As she continued to murmur, her fingers that were left on his face slowly retracted. For some reason, when Qin Yinan could no longer feel her touch on his face, a bad feeling settled within him.

His instinct told him this was a final parting of sorts. Instantly, it felt like someone was gripping his heart tightly, which caused a painful choke to rise to his throat.

He suddenly became weirdly nervous, so nervous that he reached out in a hurry to grab her hand that was moving away.

The woman froze, and their eyes met.

Before she could take a good look at the man's expression, he suddenly yanked her down into bed. He had his hands over her head to press her face into his with his lips passionately ravaging hers.