I've Been Thinking About You Again (4)

His agitation did not escape Cheng Qingchong's eyes. However, it was construed as impatience in the woman's mind. Cheng Qingchong bit on her lips and tried to keep the smile on her face as she said, "Goodbye."

Then, without waiting for Qin Yinan's reaction, she closed the door, turned around, and rushed into the hotel lobby.

Goodbye, Qin Yinan. These few words needed at most six seconds to utter, but do you know? I used every ounce of energy within my body before I got was able to voice them.

Qin Yinan's car stopped at Four Seasons' entrance for a while before he left.

Not long after he left, Cheng Qingchong came out from the hotel. She turned into the attached convenient store to buy a box of morning-after pills. Unlike a certain main character, she did know how to protect herself.