Gypsies Part 2

Tang En scratched his head, "Have we arrived at an early 1990s' refugee zone?"

Moore pointed to a yellow long wagon and announced, "The modernized wagon is part of the nomadic way of life, Mr. Twain. Freddy Eastwood, who you're looking for, is such a Romanichal Gypsy."

"This sounds like a fantasy novel," Tang En chuckled. "Can he do divination? The sparkling magic crystal ball, the mysterious cabin with the half-covered hanging screen by the door."

Moore shook his head. "He can't. But ..."


"It is said that his wife is able to. She is also a Romani."

Looking in front of him, Tang En had no idea what to say. He came here to find the wonderkid from the game, not a Romanichal Gypsy who was living with his wife in a wagon outside mainstream society.