We will Definitely Win Part 1

When Cousin Tom was excitedly discussing the upcoming match with Shania, she had the urge several times to remind him to change out of his black and white Newcastle jersey. In the end, she managed to restrain herself.

Shania herself wore a red coat, though it went unnoticed by her cousin.

As a result, when she got to the away spectators' stand at St James' Park and was surrounded by all of Forest's fans in red, she felt at ease. But for her poor cousin…

In a square of red, one can imagine that a Newcastle fan in his black and white jersey would stick out like a sore thumb.

Tom Sawyer shrank back into the crowd as the surrounding Nottingham Forest fans looked at him with expressions that seemed to harbor ill intent. Judging by their physiques—burly people with arms as big as his thighs—they were clearly not to be trifled with. He could only pray that the men would not drink too much. Otherwise, it was hard to tell what would happen.