The Pride of a Professional Footballer

The joy of victory brought back from Glasgow had not even dissipated before Twain received another piece of good news.

"Are you sure?" asked Twain as he stared at Fleming, the team doctor, in his office.

Fleming nodded his head, "I'm certain."

When Twain heard him say so, he looked down at the stack of papers in his hands again.

It was the latest report on Eastwood's physical recovery. The team's medical unit did a follow-up observation of Eastwood's body. They checked him every day to keep on top of it.

The conclusions drawn from the report were gratifying.

"We all agreed that after more than a month of recovery and training, Eastwood has reached the requirements of being able to play in a formal game.

Even though Eastwood had already trained with the team these days, Twain had not been able to send the Romani Gypsy to play in a game without the doctor's say-so.