The Older the Ginger, the Spicier the Ginger

According to the principle of defensive positions, George Wood's defensive target was supposed to be the Manchester United midfielder, Paul Scholes. The player opposite him was exactly the "Ginger Prince."

But Wood eyed Cristiano Ronaldo.

Twain did not ask Wood to mark and defend against Ronaldo. He just placed Wood towards the right side. Once Ronaldo took the ball, Wood could go over to support the defense. After he studied Ronaldo's performance this season, he found it impractical to have the only defensive midfielder dedicated to defending against Ronaldo, since he was not fixed on any side. Ronaldo's position was flexible. To be able to score so many goals was not based on playing on a certain side.

He was in the wing when they lined up in the formation before the game. His position was much more flexible as soon as the game was started. He could be on the left, on the right, or even properly become the center forward!