The One Who Has Left Me, Disturbs Me

As the whistle that signalled the start of the match blew, an eye-catching banner appeared at the stand behind Nottingham Forest's goalpost. 

It was the item that John and Bill had been creating in secret. Now everyone knew what it was. 

There was a line of big alphabets written in red paint over the white cloth:

'Score at least two goals? Try it if you dare!!' 

As soon as the banner made its appearance, it attracted the attention of everyone in the stadium. Some fans applauded after seeing the words on the banner, and there were even fans who changed their insults against Bendtner into 'try it if you dare!'.

For a moment, everyone's attention was diverted onto the banner. 

Twain looked at it and could not help but laugh. "Must be the doing of Fat John and Skinny Bill."