God to God, Dunn to Dunn

Dunn saw Evan Doughty show up at the cafe's entrance right on time, exactly to the minute of their appointment. Evan Doughty did not bring anyone and nobody near him looked like a reporter. Dunn breathed a little easier.

Evan Doughty stopped at the door and looked around. Dunn did not raise his hand to indicate his seated position. Doughty soon found him. He walked straight up to Dunn and sat down on the opposite side.

The waiter came up and politely asked him what he would like to drink.

It was not a famous coffee shop. Such an ordinary café was common and nondescript. That was why Evan Doughty picked such a place. He casually ordered a regular cup of coffee. He was not here today for a coffee, but to discuss the future of Nottingham Forest with the Chinese man in front of him.