Going Crazy

"One day, she will understand." After saying that, Qin Chu lifted the shot glass in his hand and downed it.

Gao Ran had originally wanted to get drinks with his good friend to cheer him up, but instead, he seemed more depressed.

Upon leaving, Qin Chu had to help Gao Ran walk, who seemed to be mildly drunk.

"Chu, I'm telling you, that brat Huo Mian has such a screwed-up personality. Liking her is like asking for misery, but I'm also so envious of you. To have someone like that appear in your lifetime, taking up your entire life, to feel love for her so deep in your bones… it's really something for others to be jealous of…" Gao Ran said in a drunken manner. 

In the end it was Qin Chu who drove Gao Ran back to the bureau in his Maybach; apparently Gao Ran had to work the night shift.

A couple of the policemen at the Municipal Public Security Bureau began to gossip.