A Little Too Much Fun (4)

Huo Yanyan was furious that Zhou Guangming's men were kept at bay by Huo Mian.

She decided to pour more gasoline on the fire, "Don't be scared of her. She's just a woman, she can't do anything. There are so many people here, are we about to let two women go? People will laugh at us if they hear about it."

Huo Mian glanced at Huo Yanyan for just a second, and then she continued, "You can listen to her nonsense, but I wouldn't mind draining your Big Brother Zhou's blood. At worse, I'll pay for it in prison. But here's the thing – Lingling and I are just ordinary citizens with nothing special. I heard that your Big Brother Zhou here is a super-rich heir, and he has so much money, he can burn it just for fun. Tsk tsk… it'll be a shame if he dies young…"

After Huo Mian finished her sentence, the men backed away, unwilling to advance any further.