Sudden Change Within One Night (9)

"I'm still hungry," Su Yu said stubbornly.

At this time, Ah-Xin walked out of the kitchen feeling slightly embarrassed, "Sir, the last two bowls of ramen have been purchased by the two customers here. There aren't enough noodles for another bowl. It will take around twenty minutes for me to knead the dough. Is that okay?"

"No, I can't wait," Su Yu rejected Ah-Xin's offer right up front.

"Oh, so what should we do?" Ah-Xin looked rather baffled. 


Su Yu glanced over at Huo Mian and Qin Chu, stubbornly taking out his wallet and pulling out two hundred yuan, "Give me their noodles, I can pay you extra. It's two yuan per bowl, right? I will give you two hundred, so give me their bowls."

"Sir, it's not a matter of money. They are our regular customers, it's against policy..."

"My words are the policy," Su Yu argued with Ah-Xin, unwilling to admit defeat.