Let's See Who's More Ruthless (1)

"Why are you here?" Mrs. Qin felt uncomfortable at the sight of Huo Mian.

Although she hadn't seen her in seven years, Huo Mian looked almost the same as she did back then.

Aside from the fact that she no longer looked like an innocent little girl, her face was still clean and delicate, and even a little cold.

Those who didn't know Huo Mian thought she was the cold and distant type of girl; however, the truth was, she was more than just that.

She was the biggest badass that ever existed – she lived freely and arrogantly…

Seven years ago, Mrs. Qin's disapproval of Huo Mian dating her son was well known by the entire school.

She and Huo Mian even had a few face-offs. Therefore, although they hadn't seen each other in years, she would never forget Huo Mian's face.

Ignoring Mrs. Qin's question completely, Huo Mian walked straight in and sat down on their leather couch.

Then, she slowly leaned back…