The Drug You Can’t Get Off of (5)

Qin Chu clearly witnessed everything… and he felt a bit bad for his brother-in-law.

"I told you, he's not a good match for Huang Yue. They think that I didn't know and still tried to hide it. This really upsets me."

"Young people have their own ways of doing things, so I don't think you should intervene too much."

"I'm not intervening, I'm only giving him advice. It's his own problem if he doesn't listen to me!"

"I know what you're worried about, but Mian, you must know that some people won't listen if you tell them to be careful. He'll only learn and grow once he's made the mistake himself," Qin Chu explained caringly.

"That may be the case, but Zhixin is my little brother. I'll be worried nonetheless when I think of how he might get hurt in the future."

"Your caring intentions may mess you up…" Qin Chu pinched her face, his eyes filled with spoiled adoration.