You Want to Play? Game On. (4)

- GK Headquarters -

"Sir, our new company is doing really well. In this short amount of time, 5 top-tier celebrities have already signed agreements of intent with us." Assistant Yang was in a good mood. He placed a cup of coffee on Qin Chu's desk and carefully kissed his boss's ass.

"It's too slow," Qin Chu slowly said. His ultimate goal wasn't 5 celebrities.

He wanted the red-carpet to be swarming with former Imperial Star celebrities on initiation day…

In other words, he wanted to poach the pillars of Imperial Star.

"Um… sir, Imperial Star was founded many years ago, and it's supported by a huge conglomerate. The Su Family has a lot of connections, and unlike the smaller companies, Imperial Star won't go down without a tough fight. Please be patient, sir."

In Yang's opinion, it was good enough that they were able to poach 5 celebrities in such a short of amount of time. After all, Imperial Star Entertainment was a big company.