The Means of a Calculating B*tch (4)

Huo Mian immediately rolled her eyes at him. "What do you think pajamas look like? This is a hoodie, got it?"


"Then get out of my face, I'm too lazy to bicker with you." Huo Mian was the best at stuffing a sock in Su Yu's mouth.

Wei Liao, on the other hand, sat in front of Jiang Xiaowei and began hitting on her…

"Hey angel, did you drink all of this?"

"Yup…" Jiang Xiaowei was suddenly in a good mood; maybe it was because the private room had become much livelier, and she didn't feel as lonely.

"You have a great tolerance…" Wei Liao praised.

"It's not bad."

"Haha… I saw you that day at South Side. You drove a white Lexus, right?" Wei Liao asked.

"Yeah." Jiang Xiaowei nodded.

Then, Wei Liao's mind bubbled with excitement…

He was lucky enough to see this beautiful woman again… Ah, fate.

"Are you friends… with Huo Mian?" Wei Liao continued to ask.