The Means of a Calculating B*tch (6)

Wei Liao then turned around to leave the room; he was not about to take his clothes off in front of two girls…

This bet was preposterous, but he was a man who was true to his words.

Worried, Su Yu left the room behind him…

Jiang Xiaowei covered her mouth, shot into the bathroom, and puked her guts out…

"Are you okay? You did well back there, I've never seen anyone drink as much as you did. You're like the goddess of drinking," Huo Mian patted Jiang Xiaowei's back as she exclaimed.

"I actually cheated, haha. I took sobering pills before I started drinking…" Jiang Xiaowei smiled mysteriously.

"That's why…" Huo Mian suddenly understood.

Wei Liao may be a smartass, but all geniuses were played at least once in their lifetime.

After Jiang Xiaowei threw up, she felt much better. Huo Mian held onto her as they both headed out the door.