Whoever Touches My Man Shall Die (7)

"What's up?" Huo Mian purposefully lowered her voice.

"Who's Wei Liao?"

Huo Mian was speechless...

"What's with your expression?" Jiang Xiaowei curiously looked at Huo Mian.

"You're so scary when you're drunk, you actually blacked out," Huo Mian stared at Jiang Xiaowei and said, word for word.

"Uh… did I miss something important?" Jiang Xiaowei drank too much that day, even though she took a hangover pill.

However, drinking that much was dangerous...

She pretended to be clear-minded at Seductive Fox, but when she got home, she plummeted into her bed and immediately lost consciousness.

When she got up at noon the next day, her own ceiling was still spinning.

She didn't eat anything that day, because everything tasted of alcohol...

She even locked her door and faked being ill because she was scared that her parents would go insane upon seeing her like this.