A Different Kind of Challenge (4)

Then, Huo Mian pushed Huo Siyi's head down even further, causing his entire body to slowly arch forward…

"Ah… no, I don't want to die. Huo Mian, please, please don't kill me."

No matter how hot his temper was, it had all disappeared into the thin air…

Huo Siyi was scared shitless…

He had gotten used to making fun of Huo Mian and always thought that Huo Mian and Jing Zhixin were easy to bully. Therefore, he always went toe-to-toe with them whenever they saw each other.

The truth was, most of the time Huo Mian just ignored him because, to her, he was no more than an idiot…

However, beating up Zhixin was something that completely lit up her fury…

Therefore, today, she came alone and grabbed Huo Siyi by his tie, showing him a '4D balcony nightmare experience'.

Everything else that seemed to matter was all long forgotten…

Huo Siyi always thought that Huo Mian wasn't a scary woman…