Let Your Talent Blossom (10)

When Huo Mian went upstairs, she originally thought that only Director Wu would be there, but it turned out that there were about twenty or so people inside the conference room.

In addition to those from her hospital, there were a few renowned chief physicians from the First Hospital; it was certainly a sight to see.

Were they about to fire her?

Huo Mian became a bit nervous…

She really didn't want to be fired, she loved her job…

Most surprisingly, Huo Siqian was there as well, because he was the founder and donor of the hospital's Huo Foundation.

Therefore, he participated in South Side's major decision-making process, of course, given that he had time and was willing to come.

"Director Wu…" Huo Mian was a bit dumbfounded after she walked in.

She looked around at all sorts of key members and renowned doctors and thought that she was in big trouble.